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2018-12-12 S.B. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– December 12, 2018 – 4:00 PM – Town Hall Annex

Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise, Edith Morgan w/ student member Kimberly Union and TA Nina Nazarian.

4:02 PM  Richy opened the meeting.

Minutes – The Selectboard voted to approve minutes of November 27.

Public Comment – There was no public comment

Advisory Committee Vacant Seat, Appoint New Member  – Committee Volunteer Applications were received from Mr. Matthew Moncreaff and Ms. Helga Lyons. Mr. Montcreaff was not available on Wednesdays, which was highlighted as a preference for Adv. Cmte. meetings, given the current availability of the existing membership and current meeting schedule. The Advisory Committee recommended that Ms. Lyons be appointed to the vacant seat given her availability and qualifications. She was in attendance and outlined her extensive qualifications which included a career in banking and volunteer work with the WRSD and their budget.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Helga Lyons to the Advisory Committee for a term through June 30, 2019.

Tax Classification Hearing 4:07 PM  – Principal Assessor Kathy Stanley was in attendance.

ACTION: the Selectboard voted all in favor to open public hearing for FT’18 tax classification and waive reading of the hearing legal notice.

Kathy explained the option of having a single tax rate or a split rate, which is used in some communities. The town has consistently adopted a single tax rate, and Kathy pointed out that it’s the best option with less than five percent of properties deemed commercial/industrial. The Selectboard opened for public comment.

ACTION: The board voted all in favor to maintain a single tax rate for FY’18, which has been set at $16.02 per thousand dollars of assessed value.

Kathy explained other exemptions options to the tax rate, which were not recommended (given the size of Princeton) but still require a vote. One is an “open space” discount which Princeton doesn’t use because so many parcels in town are in Chapt. 61 which provides a much better tax break to landowners. A second is a “residential exemption” for seasonal/vacation homes which allows the community to tax them at a higher rate. A third is a “small commercial exemption” for business properties with less than 10 employees that offers a 10 percent tax cut that is paid by a community’s larger businesses.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted on each exemption separately, all in favor, to not adopt the three exemptions on the LA-5 Certificate.

The Board signed the LA-5 certification form for the Div. of Local Services which must be certified by Bureau of Accounts.

Closed hearing   4:18 PM   The board then voted all in favor to close the public hearing.

Charter Update – Nina reported that many residents are contacting her with questions relating to service options. Nina suggested that at a future meeting, the group discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of bringing on a Cable Advisory Official or Committee to address further questions by residents, given that the office of the Selectboard and Town Administrator did not have the resources to act as an intermediary. Some level of that has already naturally been created, with one resident volunteering to create an FAQs list on all matters relating to Charter which is anticipated to be posted to Nextdoor Princeton.

COA space at Sonoma, review budget   4:30 PM – The board had reviewed the most recent renovation cost estimate which ranges from $134,000 – 144,000. This is up from the very rough $80 - 90k estimate that was created in a short period of time prior to Town Meeting. Jim O’Coin and David Cruise were in and distributed a “Progress Report” that explained that the buildout is nearly ready to go with vendors lined up and construction costs reasonably fixed—contracts for construction and the lease are not signed yet, but they are very close. David and Jim explained that the timeframe to develop the initial estimate was a short 3-week period, and the reasons for increases were based on low estimates and shortages in the labor market.
        There was discussion about a five-year vs. a six-year payback schedule, with Nina recommending six years given the increased cost.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve the maximum estimated construction cost of $145,000, of which 75 percent is paid by the town, with payment over six years and to give the TA authorization to make final negotiation decisions.

Prospect Street Residents to report impacts of landscaping work at 30 Mountain Road  5:47 PM – Trey Nelson, 17 Prospect St., came in with several neighbors and described erosion damage in and around their properties since August. Mr. Nelson explained that the rear slope of 30 Mountain Road, owned by Dr. Dan Ervin, was previously cleared of foliage and trees. Mr. Nelson explained his communications with the local Conservation Commission, the state DCR, building inspector and others.  Dr. Ervin with his wife, Cheryl, and legal counsel, were also present and insisted that all building and site work was permitted properly. He said he had not been notified while the damage was occurring in the fall. It was pointed out that there had been excessive rainfall at that time. The neighbors cited instances of topsoil washing away and silt flowing across Prospect Street. All in attendance insisted they didn’t want to go to court but just wanted solutions done the right way through agreement and compromise. Dr. Ervin’s counsel stated that an engineer has been enlisted.
Richy B. noted that the Selectboard probably has no jurisdiction in the matter. He encouraged all present to move forward with a solution and find a win-win outcome. Both Dr. Ervin and Mr. Nelson agreed that they would be communicating with each other going forward.

Class II Used Vehicle License Renewals – The board reviewed two Class II Used Vehicle License Renewals.

ACTION: The Selectboard voted all in favor to approve and sign the annual renewal forms for Class II Used Car Licenses for Princeton Enterprises and for Chris Goodman.

Appoint Seasonal Winter Employee and Snow Shoveler – Board members reviewed the application of Mr. Joel Enelhardt for the seasonal winter employee and Mr. Connor Priest as a snow shoveler.

ACTION: S.B. members voted all in favor to appoint Joel Enelhardt to the position of seasonal winter employee and Connor Priest as snow shoveler.

1. Spectrum Advertisement on Smart Cities.
2. Email from resident to the Board of Selectmen regarding the posting of notices relative to the availability of the internet. Nina has responded and no further actions are needed.
3. Email from Representative Ferguson’s office regarding safe routes to school.

Town Administrator’s Reports:

Free Cash Memo from Financial Team – Nina provided the Selectboard a memo regarding Free Cash from the Financial Team..

Meeting Adjourned  5:30 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assistant

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Volunteer Applications from Mr. Matthew Moncreaff and Ms. Helga Lyons; tax classification public hearing legal notice and materials; Progress Report on COA at Sonoma space; photos of erosion damage behind Prospect Street properties; applications of Mr. Joel Enelhardt for the seasonal winter employee and Mr. Connor Priest as a snow shoveler; Spectrum advertisement on Smart Cities; Email from resident regarding the posting of notices relative to the availability of the internet; Email from Representative Ferguson’s office regarding safe routes to school; Free Cash Memo from Financial Team.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department